
An Introduction To Bipolar Disorder
Posted on 06/29/2024

For a long time the term ‘bipolar’ was used as somewhat of a joke. A way to brush off someone whose mood had changed quickly, or who tended to easily go from being happy to angry. Thankfully over the last few years there has been more awareness of bipolar disorder, and the problems people suffering with it face on a daily basis. If you think you or someone you know might be struggling with bipolar disorder, then this guide to the basics of the condition might be helpful.

The Widened Scope of Eating Disorders
Posted on 05/30/2024

Eating disorders are on the rise. It might not seem like it, but between 1.25 and 3.4 million people in the UK alone are affected by an eating disorder. Most eating disorders develop during the teen years, but they can start as early as 6 or as late as 70 or even 80. And surprisingly, eating disorders have the highest mortality rates among psychiatric disorders – above depression, anxiety and even schizophrenia.

Is It Possible To Be Too Positive?
Posted on 04/30/2024

We all know that positivity is a good thing. Whether that’s positive thinking to get you through a tough situation, or having a positive attitude when dealing with a difficult customer, there’s a lot of power in positive thought. In fact, studies have proven that positive thinking can reduce anxiety, increase your general happiness, improve your resilience to stress and even help you live longer!

Stress – It’s Not All In Your Head
Posted on 03/27/2024

Everyone gets stressed! This is something we hear all too often at Melp Co -usually as a way to dismiss very valid feelings. To some extent it’s true - we all experience stress at some point in our lives, but it can affect all of us in very different ways. Most of the time it doesn't look like the TV vision of stress. There’s no tearing your hair out and shouting. Instead, stress can affect you in all sorts of strange ways that you might not think are stress-related at all. Since the only way to deal with the symptoms is to address the underlying stress, it's important to understand what physical issues you're experiencing could be caused by stress.

Counselling Tools

Introduction to Amy (Melp Therapist) and Counselling
Posted on 12/10/2022

Sophie Kirk

Sleeping Problems, The Diary Technique
Posted on 05/30/2024

Sophie Kirk

The Body Scan - Sleep Technique
Posted on 09/26/2023

Sophie Kirk

Three Steps To Calm - Fear and Panic
Posted on 08/02/2023

Sophie Kirk

Emotional Freedom Technique

Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Posted on 11/07/2022

Sophie Kirk

EFT for Pain
Posted on 05/30/2024

Sophie Kirk

EFT for Motivation
Posted on 09/26/2023

Sophie Kirk

EFT for Sleep
Posted on 12/12/2022

Sophie Kirk

Hypnotherapy Audios

Audio To Help You Sleep
Posted on 11/08/2022

Sophie Kirk

Hypnotherapy For Pain Relief
Posted on 11/08/2023

Sophie Kirk

Audio for Low Moods and Depression
Posted on 12/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

Hypnotherapy Audio to Reduce Stress
Posted on 12/14/2022

Sophie Kirk

Guided Meditation

Introduction to Meditation
Posted on 11/08/2022

Sophie Kirk

5 min guided Meditation
Posted on 11/07/2022

Sophie Kirk

Class 2 - 10min Guided Meditation
Posted on 12/04/2022

Sophie Kirk

Class 3 - 15mins Guided Meditation
Posted on 12/03/2022

Sophie Kirk

Guided Mindfulness

Guided Mindfulness For Overwhelm - The Body Scan
Posted on 11/08/2022

Sophie Kirk

Guided Mindfulness Session for Exam Stress Relief
Posted on 12/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

Guided Mindfulness For Feelings of Anxiety
Posted on 11/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

Guided Mindfulness Technique For Low Moods
Posted on 11/08/2022

Sophie Kirk

NLP Tools

What is NLP?
Posted on 11/08/2022

Sophie Kirk

Anchoring Calmness
Posted on 12/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

Posted on 12/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

NLP Peripheral Vision With Anchor
Posted on 12/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

Nutrition To Improve Wellness

Gut Health And The Brain
Posted on 11/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

How To Eat To Improve Your Mood
Posted on 08/02/2023

Sophie Kirk

Nutrition - Tumeric
Posted on 12/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

Benefits Of Ashwagandha
Posted on 11/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

The Happiness Package

About The Happiness Package
Posted on 11/11/2022

Sophie Kirk

Top 10 Happy Tips
Posted on 02/07/2023

Sophie Kirk

Posted on 11/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

Posted on 11/15/2022

Sophie Kirk

Yoga Classes

Introduction to Yoga
Posted on 01/27/2023

Sophie Kirk

30mins Yoga - Class 1
Posted on 01/26/2023

Sophie Kirk

30mins Yoga - Class 2
Posted on 01/26/2023

Sophie Kirk

45mins Yoga - Class 3
Posted on 01/25/2023

Sophie Kirk


What is Motivation?
Posted on 11/14/2022

Sophie Kirk

EFT to Improve Motivation
Posted on 11/14/2022

Sophie Kirk

NLP Techniques To Improve Motivation and Combat Procrastination
Posted on 11/14/2022

Sophie Kirk

Hypnotherapy Audio to Improve Motivation
Posted on 11/14/2022

Sophie Kirk

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Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra (Sleep Yoga) Introduction
Posted on 12/29/2022

Sophie Kirk

20 mins Yoga Nidra Practise
Posted on 12/29/2022

Sophie Kirk

30 Mins Yoga Nidra
Posted on 12/26/2022

Sophie Kirk

45 Mins Yoga Nidra
Posted on 12/24/2022

Sophie Kirk


Pad Thai with Tangy Sesame Sauce

Most of the Pad Thai’s I find too sweet for me. This one is rich all the nutrients with a tangy sesame dressing. Mushrooms add vit D, and great variety of vegetable add antioxidants. Roasted almonds lower ‘bad’ cholesterol and are a great source of vitamin E;

Pineapple Curry

This curry paste is made with delicious fresh spices in an easy way. Pineapple is a great way to add a digestive enzyme to help with your gut health and also balance the sharpness of the curry (you can choose the amount of chili). Coconut cream and a little bit of tomato paste gives is nice velvet smoothness and beautiful rich color. These elements all help to improve low moods, to find out more about this and other nutritional tips to improve your mood watch this video - melp://#!section=53244034&item=74383237

Lentil Bolognese

Serves - 4

Ashwaghanda Smoothie Recipe

Ashwaghanda is a powerful Ayurvedic herb which has been known for helping with stress; it is an adaptogenic herb which has brain-boosting benefits, it boosts intellect and memory.

Exam Support

Coaching - Exam and Study Stress
Posted on 03/24/2023

Sophie Kirk

Counselling - Exam Stress
Posted on 03/23/2023

Sophie Kirk

Hypnotherapy For Study Stress and Anxiety
Posted on 11/08/2023

Sophie Kirk

Tapping (EFT) - Study Stress an Anxiety
Posted on 03/23/2023

Sophie Kirk

Joy Cards